Ticket prices are per person and include:* Admission to the event space,* 2 Entree BuffetTossed garden green salad, Pasta primavera , Caesar salad,2 Entree: Sliced sirloin with red wine demi glace and Grilled chicken with lemon sauce,Accompaniments: Mashed potatoes and Seasonal vegetables ,with Desserts: Chocolate cake and Apple pie,* COLOR CLASS PHOTOGRAPH,* MEMORY / ADDRESS BOOK, and* Cash bar with bartender and cashier,* music by local DJ all night, and * Classmates and friends to celebrate with.
Ticket prices are per person and include:* Admission to the event space,* 2 Entree BuffetTossed garden green salad, Pasta primavera , Caesar salad,2 Entree: Sliced sirloin with red wine demi glace and Grilled chicken with lemon sauce,Accompaniments: Mashed potatoes and Seasonal vegetables ,with Desserts: Chocolate cake and Apple pie,* Cash bar with bartender and cashier,* Music by local DJ all night,* Classmates and friends to celebrate with.